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50: How does seemingly great, go to devastatingly bad in the blink of an eye?

Have you ever stopped and thought, “How did I get here?”  Whether it’s a bad relationship, financial difficulties,  health challenges, or a job you hate.  At some point we thought the decisions we were making were the best for us.  And then along the way, things start to change.  In this week’s podcast I question how we can get from seemingly great to devastatingly bad, with what seems like no stop in between.  Is it really the frog in the slow boiling water or are we just not paying attention to all the little things that ultimately add up to very big things?  I hope this week is a reminder to really look at your life and everyone in it, and become a little more present, so that a situation doesn’t go from a minor problem to calling 9-1-1 before you realize what has happened.


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