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91: Celebrating Each Other, And Participation Medals That Ruin It For Everyone.

In this episode I am addressing some feedback I received from Monday’s show. I had some people tell me they tried greeting people  with, “What are we celebrating” and it stopped them dead in their tracks.  We are so programmed to robotically say, “Fine” to whatever is asked, that it doesn’t take much to throw us.  Further, someone asking for good news, takes confusion to a whole new level. I have had a few people running this experiment, and they all reported the same shocked and perplexed- head tilted, non-response, to that question.  If you haven’t tried it yet, give it a whirl and see what happens!

I also cleared up another misconception, regarding everyone deserving a medal of achievement regardless of how hard you try.  That is not my philosophy at all, one that I hope I cleared up on this podcast.  What I will say is we spend far more time thinking about all of our missteps then we do what what has gone well.  It’s time we focus on our greatness, pack that in our back, and hit the road to our future!

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