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94: How To Create, Build, and Maintain Long Lasting Relationships, with Patrick Galvin, Game Changer

Patrick Galvin is the co-founder and chief galvanizer of The Galvanizing Group, a brand strategy consulting and marketing company in Portland, Oregon. Patrick enjoys galvanizing individuals and companies to create connections that increase loyalty, referrals, and sales without advertising. In March 2016, Patrick published a new book The Connector’s Way: A Story About Building Business One Relationship at a Time, a parable about a struggling business owner who discovers simple yet effective ways to cultivate relationships in the real world and online that fuel his success.

While we are a nation consumed with the latest pill, book, or doctor that can help us find a way to live longer (and happier), you already have what you need for that to happen; friends. Now if you don’t have an established tribe you can all your own, I hope today’s conversation with Patrick offers up some ideas on how to start to build one.  The truth is this does take commitment, time, and effort.  But anything worthwhile does.  Reach out to someone today that you haven’t connected with for a while.  Let that be the start of a new habit.  The reality is, your health, happiness, and longevity depend on it.

How to get a hold of Patrick:

For the book:  The Connectors Way               Directly:

Best Advice:   Ask people how you can be of service to them.  You will succeed in life to the degree that you help others succeed.

The one thing you believe to be true:  People are essentially good.  Some people just have harder shells.


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